The Chronicles of Cook Blogging Part 1

Buy a camera they said...

You will be great at it they said... 

Until I stood in front of an off white wall and realized how awkward I am to photograph... well... myself. I originally bought the new camera in efforts to take better photographs of ALL THE THINGS. I then challenged myself to shoot... myself. After a few camera adjustments and some SUPER AMAZING test shots (HA), I finally got into the gist of things. I present you with my first amateur (emphasis on amateur) fashion post. Keep your eyes out for Part 2 it's going to be a DOOZIE. And yes, that's a Mexican Coke. #Texas

Dress: Nordstrom // Boots: Jeffrey Campbell via Posh // Necklace: Gifted (brand With Lava) // Lipstick: NYX Kitten Heels